Friday, March 11, 2011


Gosh, I'm tired. And it's strange that I'd be tired since Mitch Daniels and a lot of the Indiana congress people keep telling me that I don't really do anything.

Today's vocabulary word parts:

sol means "alone" like solo, solitary, and the game Solitaire
fic means "to make" like fiction, specific, and personification
surg means "rise" like surge, resurgence, and insurgence
gram means "writing" like with telegrams and epigrams. And pangrams, a sentence that contains every single letter of the alphabet. (The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.)
potent means "power" like potency, potentate, and omnipotent
and the suffix -i means "plural" like octopi, nuclei, and fungi

Speaking of which, I've always considered myself to be a fungi. Fun guy. . .get it?

We spent a lot of the period with a review activity and our textbook. We looked again at the research project steps, reviewing things like taking notes on note cards, paraphrasing to avoid plagiarizing, parenthetical citation of sources, bibliographies, and the difference between primary and secondary sources.

My first class read Terrible Things, a children's Holocaust allegory by Eve Bunting. There wasn't much time to discuss it, so we'll finish up with that on Monday before diving headfirst into the Holocaust stuff. My other two classes will read and discuss that on Monday.

Have a lovely weekend! I'll be spending most of it figuring out my students' grades. If you have any questions about those, give me a call or send me an email.

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