Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Only three weeks and two days left in this school year. I'm kind of ready for this one to end actually.

Today's word parts:

pleo is "many" like pleopod, pleophagous, and pleomorphic, three words that aren't important enough to me to define them for you
pod is "foot" like a podium, a podiatrist, and a cephalopod (like octopi, a "head-footed" creature)
soror is "sister" like a sorority
frat is "brother" like fraternity or fraternize, a word with an interesting military etymology that has to do with soldiers dating women from enemy countries
-a is a suffix that makes words plural like trivia, data, and cephalopoda
val is "worth" like valid, equivalent, evaluate, and ambivalent
para is "beside" or "near" like paraprofessional (paralegal, paramedic) or paradox
dom is "rule" like dominate, predominant, and dominion

And we read some more Night and had a little bit of time for the written work.

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