Friday, May 20, 2011


Only five more days!

And only four word parts today:

orb = "circle" like orbit and exorbitant
mot = "move" like motor, motivation, promotion, demotion, automotive, pedomotive, and emotion
sol = "sun" like solar, solstice, and parasols
ven = "come" like venture, avenue, convene, intervene, invent, event, revenue, convenient, and prevent

We've finished the first act of the Anne Frank play. That's a little over half of the play. Some of the students started a quiz today (mostly about characters, conflicts, and themes) and a small writing assignment where they write a diary entry as another character. I think most students like the play. Then again, I'm the same guy who thought 8th graders enjoyed writing, so what do I know?

As we approach the end of the year, let me know if you have any questions about student grades, high school, or anything else. My grades aren't completely updated on PEP, but I'd be happy to talk about your child's grade with you.

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