Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tuesday and Wednesday

Word Parts:

cephalo = "head" like microcephalic (small-headed)
kin = "motion" like kinetic energy and telekinetic
dactyl = "finger" like pterodactyl and polydactyl
gon = "angle" like polygon
vore = "eating" like voracious, omnivore, and devour
opia = "sight" like myopia and hyperopia
-ium = "element" but we're not really doing this one
calli = "beautiful" like calligraphy and calisthenics
caust = "fire" like Holocaust and caustic
terr = "land" like Terre Haute, territory, and terrarium
here = "stick" like adhere and coherent/incoherent
cracy = "government" like democracy and plutocracy
mania = "madness" like rhinotillexomania (look it up!) and pyromania
quad = "four" like quadrupeds and quadrilateral
lingu = "tongue" like bilingual and elinguation (look that one up, too!)
flect = "bend" like reflect and deflect
peri = "around" like perimeter and periscope
gno = "know" like diagnosis, prognosis, and agnostic
sept = "7" like septuagenarian and September (the 7th month...hey, wait a second...)
nona = "9" like Nona, the Roman goddess of pregnancy

We can now count to 10 using word parts. uni, bi, tri, quad (or tetra), penta, hexa, sept, octo, nona, dec. Ta da!

We've continued reading the Anne Frank play as a class. We're looking at character development and conflicts and themes. The students are also answering some journal questions on their own. The goal with the journal questions is to empathize with the characters and their situations. Yesterday, they answered what kind of things they would bring with them (sentimental value and material value) if going into hiding, and today they made predictions about the characters and thought about why the situation would be bad for the teenage characters and the adult ones.

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