Thursday, May 19, 2011


Hey, party people...just six more days to go!

Today's word parts:

fore = "front" like forehead and foreshadow
-ish = "like" like elfish and snobbish
-oma = "tumor" like melanoma and glaucoma
mela = "black" like melancholy ("black bile" from the spleen, what the Greeks thought caused depression) and melanin
narco = "sleep" like narcotics and narcolepsy
-let = "little" like piglet and aglet (those little plastic things on the end of your shoestring)
vice = "in place of" but we aren't doing that one
solv = "loosen" like dissolve and absolve

More Anne Frank. We met a new character today--Mr. Dussel. We discussed our conflicts and looked at what bringing a new character into the mix would do.

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