Friday, May 6, 2011


More Night reading. Friday, since a lot of my students will be at King's Island instead of here at school with their favorite language arts teacher, the students will spend the entire time reading and catching up on missing work. It seems like something else is going on Monday, so that might also be a catch-up day.

More word parts:

erg = "work" like energy, synergy, and ergonomics
rhiz = "root" like rhizoid and rhizophagous
sapro = "rotten" like saprophyte and saprogenic
schizo = "divide" like schizophrenic and schism
hippo = "horse" like hippopotamus (a "river horse") and hippodrome
som = "body" like psychosomatic, chromosome, and somatoplasm
spor = "seed" like endospore, sporozoa, and sporophyte
sta = "stop" or "stand" like constant, instant, station, hemostat, stationary, and static
rhodo = "rose" like rhododendron and Rhode Island, a state that I'm not sure is known for its roses and I know is not an island...the name comes from the reddish color of its soil apparently
taxis = "arrangement" like syntax, taxidermy, and ataxia

That's all for now. And to be completely honest, I'd definitely rather be here at my desk than on a roller coaster today. It's because I'm an acrophobic bibliophile.

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