Monday, May 16, 2011


We started reading the Anne Frank diary play after I gave the students some background on her and her diary. The students have a character thing to fill out along with some theme things to keep track of. That's all on one piece of paper.

Only two word parts today although I gave them the meaning for all of them for the rest of the year. Today's:

gastro means "stomach" like gastroenteritis (stomach flu), gastric, and engastrimyth, another word for a ventriloquist. Ventriloquist and engastrimyth both have to do with "stomach talking"

macro is the opposite of micro and means "large" like macrocosm (the universe, a large place) and macrodont (having large teeth) and macrocephalic (large-headed). Oh, and macrons which are those lines over long vowels in dictionary pronunciations. I guess that makes a large vowel sound?

More tomorrow.

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