Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Sorry for the late entry. I nearly died after choking on an almond, and with all the excitement, it slipped my mind.

We took a very short quiz over the weekend's reading. There was one question--what happened in the book during the part you read over the weekend. If they missed that one, they didn't do their reading.

We reviewed some of our older word parts. The quiz is still Friday.

Finally, we looked at Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech. We looked at the context of his speech--what was going on in America--before breaking the speech apart paragraph by paragraph. We did some highlighting and summarizing. Thursday, we'll write letters to Martin Luther King about what the speech means to us and whether or not we think his dream has come true.

There is no class tomorrow because of a field trip to Ben Davis University. BDU is awesome, so make sure you ask your child about our trip tomorrow night. I don't think I'll have a blog entry tomorrow.

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