Monday, January 10, 2011

Late Monday Entry

Not the best of days today. I don't like it when I work much harder than my students.

I gave the students a pretest thingy over sentence combining and using compound sentences, complex sentences, and sentences with compound parts. We'll start hitting that bit of grammar really hard in the next couple weeks. It's been on ISTEP traditionally, and it's also something that can help them with their writing fluency. Whenever I can kill two birds with one stone, I do it!

Word parts for today:

ocul means "eye" and is used in the word binoculars.
cur means "care for" and is used in words like cure and curator.
ultra means "beyond" and is used in words like ultraconservative and ultraviolet.
gest means "carry" like in gestation, digestion, and ingestion.
And apt means "fit" like, well, apt. And aptitude.

We discussed the first four chapters of Fever 1793 and turned in the half sheet that my substitute gave them on Friday. Some of them aren't reading and are going to find it difficult to pass this nine weeks. They need to read chapters 5 and 6 tonight, and there will be a short quiz tomorrow.

Students started reading chapter one from a book called The American Plague. This nonfiction text will give them some more historical context from the novel. They looked at the nonfiction author's use of imagery and good diction to create mood and experience just like a fiction writer would. They're also working hard at making connections between the nonfiction text and the historical fiction novel.

And in case I've not made it clear earlier, I would never ever do anything to hurt a bird.

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