Friday, January 14, 2011

The End of Another Week

With every week that passes, I'm reminded at how much closer high school is approaching. And that worries me when I think of some of my students. With the effort some of my students are giving me, I don't think they'll be ready. Others are working hard and doing very very well though.

Vocabulary review--short and sweet. Reminder: Their invention words are due Tuesday. Some of them will forget and have to turn them in Wednesday.

Sentence review--we reviewed the stuff we talked about earlier in the week and went over the practice they did for homework. They also worked on another half sheet of sentence combining practice.

We took a very short and very easy Fever quiz and discussed what we'd read in the last few chapters. There's some gross stuff in that book. They need to read to page 130 by Tuesday.

Grade explanation:

The Frost poem, the Fever half sheet for chapters 1-4, and the sentence combining worksheet were all homework things. The WwW notes and the Plague chapter one work were in-class assignments. The quizzes were from the reading. There's been nothing difficult so far this semester, and no student should have a low grade at this point. If your student does, it's simply because he or she has not done the work.

Thanks for reading. Have a great three-day weekend!

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