Friday, January 7, 2011

Belated Thursday, Early Friday

I'm not at school at all today. For whatever reason, I couldn't get to my blog to update it last night. Sorry about that.

We finished "A Christmas Memory" yesterday and completed a worksheet about what Truman Capote does well as a writer of memoirs, how he creates an experience. They also had a constructed response about one of the characters.

We also went over the 6-point ISTEP rubric, looking specifically at what makes a "6" paper. Next week, we'll look at some examples of ISTEP writing as well as our own writing.

Word parts from yesterday:

A revolver (the gun) uses the word part volv. It has to do with how the bullets are fed into the dinker to make it shoot. I don't know anything about guns obviously, but I know what volv means. What do you think it means, parents?
Hercules was a demigod. His dad was Zeus, a god, and his mother was a human. What do you think demi means? Hint: Semi and hemi mean the same thing.
Think about the words retrogress, retroactive, and retrorockets. What do you think retro means?
Think about sensitive people. What do you think the sens part of that word means?
And finally, -fy. It's a suffix and makes verbs like simplify, amplify, rectify, and pacify. Can you guess what that one means?

If not, ask your son or daughter. They should be able to tell you!

Sadly (for the students at least), I'm not at school today. The students are hopefully working quietly on an ISTEP writing (55 minute personal narrative that takes place during their favorite season) and on some reading for Fever 1793. I've given them a half sheet to complete for the first 24 pages of the novel, and we'll discuss those first four chapters on Monday.

Have a great weekend!

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