Friday, December 17, 2010


I'm exhausted. And I don't feel very good. One of your children must have given me their cold. I can't remember needing a break from school more than right now. Not that I don't love each and every one of your little snowflakes because I do. But I think the students and teachers are definitely ready for a break from each other.

Today we reviewed some of the persuasion terms before taking our benchmark assessment. They read pro/con articles on nuclear energy and answered some multiple choice questions. I thought the test was easy (for those who closely read the articles, all of the questions, and all of the answers), but the data will show whether or not I'm right.

The students got their vocabulary quizzes back today. The data for that is both interesting and sad. About 20% of the students got an A on the vocabulary quiz. That isn't too bad. Unfortunately, about 32% failed the exam. The rest, of course, were in between. The students who took notes, paid attention, and studied are the ones who did well. My argument remains the same: if my students spend a little time each night with the word parts, they will succeed on the tests.

Have a wonderful holiday season! I don't imagine I'll be writing on the blog during our break, but I do get an email whenever a comment is left.

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