Thursday, December 16, 2010

Friday Eve

I learn a little about my students every day. Today I learned that one of my students injured his collarbone after falling off a pony. It explains a lot.

We turned in our persuasive essays today. A lot of the students didn't have theirs to turn in, and that scares me.

They students also took their vocabulary tests. I'll have those graded and returned tomorrow, so make sure you ask your child what he/she got!

Finally, we had enough time to start a memoir by Truman Capote called "A Christmas Memory," a story that, to be completely honest, doesn't have much to do with anything. It's Christmasy, so it's got that going for it. We'll finish tomorrow and discuss what Capote does well as a writer. The students will have a little writing thing that goes along with it.

The story usually makes me cry, but I'm going to try to keep it together tomorrow.

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