Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tuesday, 11/9

Today, we reviewed our parts of speech with some sentence classification. A lot of the students are still struggling with this, mostly because they haven't really given it their all. Here's the sentence we did together in class today:

After his morning jog during the rain storm, the tired man in soaked workout clothes was feeling wet and miserable.

See if your child can go through that sentence and give you all the parts of speech. (Answers at the bottom of this entry.)

We looked at a new poem type today--the ode. An ode is a poem that praises a person, place, thing, or idea. We looked at a silly poem I wrote about my tie, an ode called "Morning" by Billy Collins, and "Ode to the Drum" by Yusef Komunyakaa. We'll look at more odes the next couple days.

We did a little vocabulary review for tomorrow's test. Tomorrow's test has 100 word parts on it. I've encouraged the students to study the ones they don't know extra hard, writing them down and saying them. As I told the students today, the more senses they involve in their learning (seeing the words, feeling the words on their tongue or as they write, hearing themselves say the words), the more likely those definitions will stick in their brains.

We didn't do anything with our novel today. I decided to make the last two nights catch-up dates, so the students should be through page 96 by tomorrow.

After-P (preposition)
his-PPA (possessive pronoun adjective)
jog-OP (object of the preposition)
the-A (article adjective)
man-SN (subject noun)
was-HV (helping verb)
feeling-LV (linking verb)
wet-PrA (predicate adjective)

1 comment:

  1. Ode to Black Ops

    Oh people at X-box
    are your brains made out of rocks?

    Why would you release you new game
    on a school night, are you INSANE?

    I don't think much vocabulary studying will be happening tonite Mr. Brashear!
