Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday (Well, Wednesday-Friday)

Not that you read this to hear me whine, but there was some trouble on Wednesday that zapped away a lot of my time. Some students from my homeroom weren't happy with me because I have the nerve to make them do actual work (reading) at the beginning of the day. They banded together, went to student services, and spread a lie that I had pushed another student. Administration wasn't happy, statements had to be written, and it was a mess. I felt terrible and sad and didn't really even want to come to work the next day. Luckily, some of my homeroom students do have integrity, and the truth saved the day. Things are fine now, but I'll admit that it does still hurt a little bit.

Anyway, that's my excuse for not blogging the last couple days.

The rest of the word parts:

chrom = "color" like chromosome and monochromatic
form = "shape" like formation and oviform (egg-shaped)
sequ = "follow" like consecutive, sequence, sequel, consequence, and obsequious
glyc = "sweet" like glycerin and hypoglycemia
-ose = "sugar" like fructose and glucose
ultima = "last" like ultimate and ultimatum
infra = "beneath" like infrared and infrasonic (beneath what the ear can hear)
leuko = "white" like leukocytes and leukemia
lys = "breakdown" like hemolysis and analysis
meso = "middle" like Mesopotamia and mesomorph and Mesoamerica
gress = "step" like progress and regress
labor = "work" like laborious, collaborate, laboratory, and elaborate
tude = "state of" like attitude, solitude, aptitude, and rectitude
patho = "disease" like pathogenic, psychopath, and idiopathic
phor = "carry" like euphoria and chromatophore

We did some more work with participle and infinitive phrases. Today, we looked at misplaced and dangling modifiers, misplaced prepositional phrases, and misplaced adjective clauses.

And we're continuing with our reading of Night. I collected some of their class work, and a great deal of it doesn't look like the high school work I'm looking for. Some students are reading but not doing the work. Today, we took a quiz over what we've read so far. We're about halfway through the book.

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