Friday, February 25, 2011

Belated Thursday Post

Sorry about the lack of blogging yesterday even though I'm pretty sure I just apologized to 1 1/2 people. It slipped my mind. This week has been stuffed with meetings, talks with parents, ISTEP stuff...they had me in three places at one time yesterday.

We reviewed vocabulary some in preparation for our short test Friday.

We did a test prep activity where we broke down a writing prompt using the I-chart. We also looked at paragraph organization, and I stated the importance, once again, of writing at least 5 paragraphs on the ISTEP 6-point rubric prompt.

And we finished the O. Henry story, "The Ransom of Red Chief," after a quick review of the three types of irony. Next week, we'll look at another genre of short story (horror) to see how irony works when the author isn't trying to be funny. The students had three O. Henry constructed responses to do, but two of my classes might not have been able to finish.

Speaking of constructed responses, those are next week on ISTEP. And I'm still concerned that some of my students aren't using the text enough to get a 2 out of 2 on those bad boys. I want them to imagine themselves as cranes, lifting words from what they've read to plop down in their 6-line, 1-paragraph answers. If they do that, they should be successful.

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